When your pet seems to be doing anything but listening to your voice there might be a problem. We, at Atlas Animal Hospital can diagnose the issue and work with you and your pet to ensure that the negative aggressive behavior stops once and for all.
Contrary to popular belief, most dogs would prefer not to bite humans or attack each other. Given this natural reluctance to bite, why are more and more dogs displaying acts of aggression to people and other dogs?
Another reason is that the average person does not understand what motivates a dog to attack. They are unaware that their own actions might incite aggressive behaviours. Dogs are unable to think or reason in the same way that humans do — they do not possess human logic. Instead, memory and instinct mostly guides their behaviour.
Another reason is that the average person does not understand what motivates a dog to attack. They are unaware that their own actions might incite aggressive
behaviours. Dogs are unable to think or reason in the same way that humans do — they do not possess human logic. Instead, memory and instinct mostly guides their behaviour
Often when a dog a bites it is reacting from instinct. Most cases of canine aggression are caused by fear. Very few confident dogs will bite. A dog’s fear may manifest from a lack of socialization. Dogs are often bred away from suburbia in an environment where strangers or other dogs are rarely seen may become fearful when they meet strangers or other dogs for the first time — it is the fear of the unknown.
Fear is a powerful survival instinct If something scares a dog, it will do one of two things: run away or stay and fight This is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response, which is common to all mammals including humans- A dog that has had very little contact with strangers or other dogs or one that has experienced a trauma at the hands of a human being or a strange dog is much more likely to attack than a dog that has enjoyed only good experiences.
From a simple nail trim to urgent medical attention. If you’re ready to see our expert veterinary team in Surrey, call Atlas Animal Hospital.
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