Spaying or Nuturing

But what does spaying or neutering mean for your pet? Many people are under the mistaken impression that it is only about preventing unplanned or unwanted litters. While that is certainly an important reason, it is far from the only reason to consider having your pets spayed and neutered. The reasons below are just a few reasons, aside from pet population control, to consider having your cats and dogs spayed and neutered.

Helping Your Pet Recover from Surgery

Of course, there will be a time of recovery once the surgery is complete. That means you’ll need to monitor your pet closely to prevent infections or unnecessary pain after the surgery. The following general tips in addition to specific instructions your veterinarian provides.

  • Give your pet a quiet space in which to recover.
  • Keep your pet from getting excited, running, and jumping for two weeks following the surgery.
  • Don’t allow your pet to lick the incision site, even if you must use a collar/cone.
  • Check the incision location daily to confirm healing and note signs of infection.
  • Don’t bathe your pet for at least 10 days after surgery.
  • Make appropriate follow-up appointments with your veterinarian and keep them-

What Is Spaying or Neutering?

When a pet is spayed or neutered, it is altered so that its reproductive organs are no longer able to function. This will keep a female pet from becoming pregnant or a male pet from impregnating a female animal. This will reduce the population of unwanted kittens or puppies. The procedure is done in a surgical setting and will require that the pet has general anesthesia so it is not awake during the process. Spaying is the term that people use to describe the alteration of a female animal while neutering is the term used for males.

Why Is Spaying or Neutering Important?

Getting a pet spayed or neutered is an important process that every pet owner should consider. In addition to the pet no longer being able to reproduce, there are some benefits that pet owners find positive. A male dog or cat will often become more docile in behavior as they will no longer be fighting for the attention of a female animal. Females will be less likely to try to roam away from home in search of a mate. Cats that are not altered will often urinate in the home. This behavior may cease after spaying or neutering takes place. Yowling and barking may be less of an occurrence as well.

What Can I Do For My Pet After the Procedure?

On the date of your pet's surgery, you will need to refrain from feeding your pet or giving it water for several hours before the surgical time. This will keep your pet from aspirating while the surgery takes place. Our vet will perform the surgery and then someone from our offce will call you to alert you of your pet's condition. Your pet may seem lethargic as they recover from their surgery. Allow your pet to rest and call our veterinarian if they do not seem alert after a day or so. Make sure your pet does not try to bite at their incision area as well.

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