Travelling with Pets in Canada: Tips and Best Practices

Travelling with Pets in Canada: Tips and Best Practices
Travelling with Pets in Canada: Tips and Best Practices

Travelling with pets in Canada can be a fantastic experience for both you and your furry friends. With its beautiful scenery, pet-friendly places, and wide-open spaces, Canada is a great destination for pet owners. However, to make sure your trip goes smoothly, it’s important to plan ahead and follow some simple tips. 

Plan Ahead

When travelling with pets in Canada, planning is essential. Start by looking up pet-friendly hotels, parks, and attractions on your route. Many hotels and Airbnb rentals welcome pets, but always double-check their pet policy before booking. Also, find out if the places you want to visit, like national parks or beaches, allow pets and what their rules are.

Health and Safety

Before you hit the road, bring your pet to us at Atlas Animal Hospital for a check-up. Make sure they’re up-to-date on their vaccinations, especially if you’ll be outdoors where they might meet other animals. Talk to the vet about any health risks at your destination, like ticks, and get the right treatments.

Pack a pet first-aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and any medications your pet needs. It’s also smart to know where the nearest vet clinics are along your route in case of an emergency.

Travel Documents and Identification

When travelling with pets in Canada, make sure they have proper ID. This includes a collar with an ID tag and a microchip with your current contact info. Bring copies of your pet’s medical records, vaccination certificates, and any travel permits you might need. If you’re crossing provincial borders, check the rules for travelling with pets.

Comfort and Safety in Transit

Keeping your pet comfortable and safe during the trip is important. For car travel, use a secure pet carrier or a pet seatbelt to protect them in case of sudden stops. Make regular stops so your pet can stretch, go to the bathroom, and drink some water. Never leave your pet alone in a parked car, as it can quickly become too hot or too cold.

If you’re flying, check the airline’s pet policy ahead of time. Some airlines let small pets travel in the cabin, while larger pets might have to go in the cargo hold. Use a sturdy, well-ventilated carrier that meets the airline’s requirements, and get your pet used to the carrier before the trip.

Pet-Friendly Activities

Canada has lots of pet-friendly activities and places to visit. Enjoy hiking trails, dog-friendly beaches, and outdoor patios where pets are welcome. In cities, many cafes and shops allow pets, so you can explore with your furry friend. Always keep your pet on a leash and follow local rules to ensure everyone has a good time.

Maintaining Routine

While travelling with pets in Canada, try to keep their daily routine as normal as possible. Stick to regular feeding times and make sure they get enough exercise. Bring their favorite toys, bedding, and other familiar items to help them feel comfortable in new places.

Be Considerate

Respect other travelers and wildlife by keeping your pet under control at all times. Clean up after your pet and dispose of waste properly. If your pet gets anxious or reactive, consider using calming products or talk to your vet about ways to make the trip easier for everyone.

Travelling with pets in Canada can be a wonderful and fun experience if you plan ahead and prepare properly. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and memorable trip for you and your pet. At Atlas Animal Hospital, we’re here to help with all your pet care needs before, during, and after your travels. Schedule a check-up with us to make sure your pet is ready for the adventure.

Remember, a well-planned trip means happy travels when travelling with pets in Canada. Enjoy your journey!